Colossians 2:9-10 “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.”
Many passages in the Bible say who you are and what you have “in Him.” Many of these passages are found in the letter to the Ephesians. This passage in Colossians says that you are complete in Him. The Greek word πληρόω plēroō, which is translated as “complete,” means to supply fully, to be filled with Christ’s influence, presence, and power. It also means to abound in all the fullness of God so that you may fully participate in all the rich gifts of God. Finally, it means to fill every hollow place.
Many people look to others for completion, either a friend, a boyfriend/girlfriend, or a spouse. But actual completion only comes from Christ. He fills every hollow place in your life. He removes the dark areas with His light and fills the loneliness with His life. For everything that is missing in your soul, Christ is the answer. Do not live feeling empty because people fell short of completing you. Turn to Christ and let Him fill your life to overflow. He knows precisely what is missing and what areas need filling. Christ has everything that you need, and you are complete in Him.